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Making a major transition? This is the perfect opportunity to influence employees’ attitudes and productivity

Announcing a major change at the same time a company is trying to lift lagging employee engagement scores can seem like an impossible task for internal communication teams.

Yet, that’s exactly the challenge many communicators are facing. Change is constant and rapid in today’s business landscape, and it can sometimes cause anxiety for internal audiences.

So how can we make progress on improving engagement at a time when employees might be feeling worried or defensive?

The answer lies in the three essential elements that influence engagement: inspiration, safety and support.

When employees feel inspired, energy levels spike because they have a meaningful purpose to strive toward.

When they feel safe and supported, they don’t have to focus their time and effort on protecting themselves. Instead, they can apply their energy to their work.


These three elements – inspiration, safety and support – become paramount in change communication.


Our brains tend to automatically classify transitions as “high-risk” because of the likelihood that we might lose something as a result. However, these high-stakes situations present the ideal opportunity to lift engagement by strengthening relationships between employees and the company.

Messages should convey purpose and address concerns.

When change communication includes the compelling “why” behind the decision to make a major change, employees feel inspired and begin to see how their contributions will make an impact.

Plus, when they realize they will be able to play a meaningful role in bringing the change to life, they feel confident and safe that their function is valuable and their job is secure.

By proactively addressing their questions and putting their fears at ease, the information shared with employees can also help them feel safe and supported. When they are able to see that leaders are looking out for them, they realize they can work confidently – with focus and peace of mind – and spend less energy looking for threats.

Timing must show respect and create clarity.

When employees find out about a major change from official sources within the company – not customers, neighbors or news media – they feel respected. This sends a signal of support and safety.

Another way timing of communication can influence perceptions of safety is by avoiding information overload.

Using simple, clear wording shows employees the company wants them to understand. When the message is complex or lengthy, employees might worry that someone is trying to hide important details.

In many situations, it’s best to use a phased approach for communicating change because it gives employees a chance to absorb and process the news.

In the first phase of change communication, they find out what is coming and why it’s important. In the second phase, they find out exactly what they’re being asked to do and how they will be supported. In the final phase, communication reinforces key behaviors and conveys gratitude.

This carefully measured, thoughtful release of information can lift employees’ levels of trust and shows them that leaders are being courteous, straight-forward and fair.

Formats need to encourage conversation.

The way the change communication is released to employees is another leading factor that influences their perceptions of safety.

When leaders are open with employees and give them a chance to be heard, employees feel more confident and willing to trust.  They feel like they’re being treated fairly and that leaders have employees’ best interests in mind.

This often translates into making major announcements in person and providing ample time and opportunities for leaders to answer questions from employees.

Careful communication planning leads to powerful business results.

Communicating change is a pivotal opportunity. It has the power to make a huge impact on business success by revealing exactly how valuable the organization views its relationship with employees.

High-performance organizations know it’s worthwhile to communicate in a way that keeps employees motivated and confident. They know this is the only way to ignite the collective and unstoppable power of a workforce committed to helping the company move forward.


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