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The AdaptDx Pro® is a radically different version of an existing MacuLogix® device. Messaging needed to communicate more than the new features and benefits. It had to make a business and medical case to eye doctors to invest in the latest technology while igniting confidence in technicians wary of AI.


We identified key audience and competitor insights to create a product launch campaign that matched the innovation of the product and set it apart from other devices vying for attention. Ahead of the trade show season, we delivered targeted, audience-specific messaging using direct and digital channels as well as a unique virtual experience. The campaign generated early awareness with prospects, drove interest with existing AdaptDx® owners and gave the sales team the momentum to convert qualified leads.

maculogix brochure cover
maxulogix site on laptop, tablet and mobile
trade show booth

maculogix patient wearing headset
maculogix headset


471 JPL Wick Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111


1411 Broadway
New York, NY 10018


One Roberts Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038