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Why JPL Health? Why Now?

Health care is undergoing a seismic shift, accelerated and exacerbated by the changes catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an evolution on a grander scale than anyone anticipated just a few short years ago, with new models of care delivery, payment, regulation and changing consumer expectations and demand influencing every facet of this multi-trillion-dollar industry.

At the center of it all are consumers who, in the face of ongoing uncertainty, are feeling more empowered than before. They are demanding care when, where, how and from whom they want.

Marketing is a catalyst for shaping, changing and improving health care.

Even in the face of all this change, one thing remains true: Health care is essential. Good health is central to individuals, organizations and communities.

We believe that everyone deserves good health and access to the tools and care needed to create and maintain it. And we believe in harnessing the power of the vast health care ecosystem to benefit all and to connect individuals to what they want and need.

We create connections between people and caregivers; health systems and patients; health plans and employers; medical device and health tech companies and those who benefit most from their innovations.

By fostering these connections among people and the care they want and need, we can help connect them to their best lives.

That’s why JPL Health exists.

To create meaningful interactions to help people achieve their health goals, you need a deep understanding of them. This goes beyond basic needs and demographics. ​​

Just like effective care, effective marketing is shaped by the needs and characteristics of individual recipients: how they think, how they behave, what they value and what drives and informs their decisions — and how those factors influence their health, their lives and your ability to reach them.​

Smart, strategic marketing grounded in research and audience understanding enables health organizations of all types and sizes to sharpen their focus on what really matters — better experiences and better outcomes — while continuing to navigate change.​

We speak health care. We also listen.

We focus on the entire process and what it means when health care brands create deep and lasting connections through marketing and outreach. Because when they do, individuals get healthier, communities become stronger, and health care brands achieve their key outcome targets — and full potential.

Health care is evolving daily, hourly, minute by minute. We’re relentless in our efforts to make sure your critical connections evolve, too.

Are you interested in hearing more about JPL Health? Drop us a note at [email protected].

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471 JPL Wick Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111


1411 Broadway
New York, NY 10018


One Roberts Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038